Product traceability

What is traceability?
Traceability is the ability to track and identify a product unit from its origin to all stages from raw material source, production, processing, transportation and distribution to the market.

Some countries around the world have applied product information retrieval as a mandatory regulation to ensure identification of product quality and production facilities such as: European Union, UK, United States, Ireland, Canada, India, Thailand…

Accurate understanding of Origin Traceability

Currently, in Vietnam, most of the product traceability codes circulating on the market are not origin traceability codes but are basically just product information retrieval codes, that is, they only provide information. product according to the announcement (such as information on the product packaging) but does not fully state the components of the chain involved in creating the product as well as the history of the product’s formation. So how should traceability be understood properly?


A traceability stamp is called a traceability stamp when it meets at least the following factors:

  • Be able to trace the process before, during and after the product is created, trace the path of the product (what steps the product is made of and where it goes)
  • View product information according to product circulation and announcement regulations
  • Trace the chain of links that create product value (Member units providing seeds, supplies, raw materials to create products, units or individuals participating in the processing, circulation, product preservation and consumption)
  • View geographical indications (map of raw material areas) of the product
  • View documents and certifications about ingredients, quality and product recognition (VietGAP, Global GAP, EC, Food Safety Certification…)
  • Prove the operating history of components in the product value chain through electronic logs