Training on forestry cooperative model for sustainable economic development and forest protection for cooperatives in Ca Mau province.

Mangrove forests are a special ecosystem with high environmental and economic value that nature bestows on Vietnam. Mangrove forests play an important role in preserving biodiversity, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, accumulating carbon, preventing storms, tsunamis, erosion, cleaning the coastal environment, and limiting saltwater intrusion. , protecting groundwater, especially in the context of climate change and increasingly serious sea level rise like today. Ca Mau is the leading province in the country in terms of mangrove forest area with a total area of ​​over 63,000 hectares. The management, protection and development of mangrove forests plays a huge role in economic and social development and environmental protection in coastal areas. Therefore, having a suitable and effective forestry cooperative model is necessary and urgent.

Under the framework of the environmental task “Assessing the current status of pollution of mangrove production forests and proposing solutions to build and develop a sustainable forestry cooperative model to combat climate change“, Institute of Science and Technology and Environment coordinated with the Cooperative Alliance of Ca Mau province to organize a training class “Cooperative model for sustainable economic development and mangrove protection for agricultural and fishery cooperatives near or in the mangrove forests of Ca Mau province.” Mau” for two days August 15-16, 2023 in Ca Mau city. Attending the training class were representatives of the Cooperative Alliance of Ca Mau province, 50 students who are directors and members of cooperatives in the province and representatives of the task management board.

Mr. Tran Quoc Huong - opening speech of the training course on the forestry cooperative model
Mr. Tran Quoc Huong – opening speech of the training course on the forestry cooperative model

Speaking at the opening of the training class, Mr. Tran Quoc Huong – Director of the Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Support Service Center – Ca Mau Provincial Cooperative Alliance emphasized: “Currently, there is no forestry cooperative in the province.” There are only agricultural and aquaculture cooperative model. However, agricultural and aquaculture cooperatives are also developing based on mangroves and their benefits. Therefore, the training class will provide useful information and knowledge for trainees about the potential, role and functions of mangrove forests, as well as suggestions on establishing a forestry cooperative model to develop development based on mangrove forests. This is not only an economically feasible cooperative model but also very meaningful in protecting the environment and supporting society.”

The lecturer is discussing with the students
The lecturer is discussing with the students

At the training class, lecturers shared basic knowledge about mangrove management and exploitation solutions, and sustainable management solutions in the protection and development of mangrove forests. Lecturers and students exchanged and discussed very enthusiastically about knowledge and practical situations in exploiting, protecting and developing mangrove forests as well as environmental protection in general in practical production. output from cooperatives.

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